No, these are not real ice cream cones, much to the dismay of some of the little ones who were at the party I took these to. :-) I made these for an end-of-the-summer party we had for one of my research projects. I couldn’t resist posting two pictures of these. These are cupcakes that just so happen to look like soft-serve vanilla ice cream cones. They were really fun to make. I got the recipe from
here. The ice cream is meringue that was piped onto a cookie sheet and baked for 1.5 hours at 200 degrees. I sprinkled some sprinkles on some of them before baking – it was so easy – the sprinkles stuck to the meringue and didn’t burn or melt while cooking. I covered a 13 in. x 9 in. pan with foil and poked some holes in the foil. I then placed an ice cream cone in each hole. This helped keep the cones up straight and I think it helped the cake

not get too mushy. The ice cream cones are filled with yellow cake and chocolate fudge pudding and were baked at 350 degrees. I then just took a little buttercream icing and used it to attach the meringue to the cone. I was amazed at how much they looked like ice cream cones. Personally, I liked the look more than the taste, but they seemed to go over pretty well at the party.
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